Zoo day

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

IToday I had a great time at the zoo with my youngest cousin, McKenna, and my grandparents. I hadn't been to the zoo in forever and it was a great day to go. Sunny and 75 :) 

(Sorry there's a lot of pictures) 

Meet peanut! Baby elephant I bought for McKenna

She surprisingly let me do her hair today

"I love this giraffe!" 

"I wanna stand by the elephant!"

Sittin pretty on the ladybug! 

Ready for the carousel to start! 

She was a little scared when it started moving! 
Duckface on the rhino :) 

The giraffes are my favorite :) 

She loved looking at the elephants 


"I'm a good driver" 

"The gorillas!!"
"He got big hands" 

Nice walk with grandpa 

Chillin by the tiger exhibit 


"He's so big!!!" 

Taking a rest with grandpa 

Yum :) 

"I like the rainbow ones" 
"This playground is just beautiful" 

Posing on the yellow brick road :) McKenna had fun singing songs from wizard of oz 

Playing with the water globe 

Playing in the gift shop! 

We had such a great time at the zoo :) 

Cincy weekend with mom

Originally tried to post 6/30/14 

So this past weekend was probably the best weekend of my life. As I have mentioned before, Phillip Phillips is my absolute favorite singer. 
So this past weekend my mom and I drove up to Cincinnati to see him in concert!! We had amazing seats! Front row right behind the pit. 
As my mom was getting up to go to the bathroom before the concert, she called me over to where she was standing. Guess what she saw....PHILLIP! 
He's the one in the gray shirt

So as I was walking back to my seat he was closer to the fence. About 10 ft away from me. He was doing meet and greets behind the fence...as the girls walked away he turned around and looked. Right at me! I waved and said hi and he waved back! Like what?!?! Phillip Phillips waved at me!!! Dream come true :) 

Cameras weren't allowed in so I took all of these on my phone so the quality isn't thaaat great. I took hundreds of photos so I will only put a few here

If you thought just going to the concert and him waving to me was amazing....get this...he liked two of my posts on Instagram and favorites my tweet to him! Woooo!!! He noticed me!! 

That was a huge deal for me even though it is just something small! 

After Phillip's concert, we waited by his tour bus for an hour and a half...hoping he would come outside so that I could meet him. Sadly I wasn't able to, but I did meet the people that opened for him! 

Her name is LP...if you haven't heard of her here's a link to one of her music videos 



So this weekend got EVEN BETTER!! 
On the way up to cincy, my mom and I bought tickets to see TIM MCGRAW!! His concert was the next night at the same place. Since we bought the tickets the day before the concert, we weren't sure how great our seats would be. We were oh so wrong. (My mom actually started crying because she was so excited) I grew up listening to Tim McGraw because he has been my moms favorite singer for as long as I can remember. Seven years ago, my third grade year, we went to see him with Faith Hill for my very first concert. So my mom has been waiting seven years to see him again!! We finally got the chance to! Get this...7TH ROW! 
Opening for Tim, was Casidee Pope and Kip Moore. I love them both! 

After a little rain, Tim finally came out! Getting a little wet from the rain was worth it. He puts on such an amazing show. By far the best concert I've ever been to! 
I may or may not have taken 500 pictures at Tim's concert...so here's a few of them: 

One of the coolest things I have ever witnessed happened at this concert...Tim started talking about the military and being American. As he did this EVERYONE in the audience started chanting USA USA USA! I would say there was about 30,000 or more of us. As we were all doing this, people started pushing someone to the stage. Tim pulled him on stage. He was a solider. It gives me chills just thinking about it. He stood on stage chanting with us all and Tim kneeled down behind him and the spotlight was put on the soldier. It was just so amazing to see. 

What's a great concert you have been to recently?