Zoo day

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

IToday I had a great time at the zoo with my youngest cousin, McKenna, and my grandparents. I hadn't been to the zoo in forever and it was a great day to go. Sunny and 75 :) 

(Sorry there's a lot of pictures) 

Meet peanut! Baby elephant I bought for McKenna

She surprisingly let me do her hair today

"I love this giraffe!" 

"I wanna stand by the elephant!"

Sittin pretty on the ladybug! 

Ready for the carousel to start! 

She was a little scared when it started moving! 
Duckface on the rhino :) 

The giraffes are my favorite :) 

She loved looking at the elephants 


"I'm a good driver" 

"The gorillas!!"
"He got big hands" 

Nice walk with grandpa 

Chillin by the tiger exhibit 


"He's so big!!!" 

Taking a rest with grandpa 

Yum :) 

"I like the rainbow ones" 
"This playground is just beautiful" 

Posing on the yellow brick road :) McKenna had fun singing songs from wizard of oz 

Playing with the water globe 

Playing in the gift shop! 

We had such a great time at the zoo :) 

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