My Night In Pictures

Thursday, May 22, 2014

My night all in pictures! 
My Dad picked me up from school and took me to McAllister's to get a sweet tea (yum!) then we met my brother, Ricky, over at the movie theater...

 Ricky complained about how expensive his popcorn and drink was.....
 While this may look like Ricky's arm....its actually my dad kicking butt in Galaga...his favorite arcade game. 
We had to chill in the arcade for about 35 minutes because sooommeeeooonneee (*cough* dad *cough*) decided to get there an hour early.
 I pretended to be cool and played the motorcycle racing game thing....needless to say i came in 5th...yay..?
 Ricky played pac man for what seemed like for-ev-er
 Left the arcade with one token does that even happen?!
 The movie theater is renovating and guess what all these boxes are...NEW SEATS! (i was way too excited for these)
 Stole Ricky's popcorn while we watched previews and commercials
We saw it in kept me on the edge of my suspenseful. I fell in love with the movie! It's the first Godzilla movie I've ever seen. I was a little hesitant to go see it, but i really recommend it. By far exceeded my expectations...i went from almost crying to shaking because i was scared for the main characters! It was so easy to get emotionally attached to all of them. (i love movies like that) Sitting there, i felt like i was going through all of the emotions that the characters were going was actually a little stressful (haha)
 Aaron Taylor Johnson did a great job playing Ford in the movie
 My mom tried a new Chicken Enchilada recipe she found off of was great! But it was so filling 
 Ended my night studying for a chemistry quiz over stoichiometry for tomorrow
And of course...i had to listen to my phillip phillips in order to study
side note: I almost cried when Phillip sang on the American Idol finale with Sam! Sam was my favorite on the show and if you haven't been able to tell yet...Phillip Phillips is my favorite singer. He walked onto the stage and i was sitting at home on the couch with my family and my face got all red and i almost cried! I get so excited each time i see him preform! He is just so amazing :) 

Have you seen Godzilla yet? 

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