Theology Class-Prayer

Thursday, May 22, 2014

In my Theology class (this semester "The Paschal Mystery") a different student prepares prayer for that day. (I'm a sophomore at an all girls Catholic High School)

Prayer for class- 5/22/14

Theme: Dreams 

Proverbs 16:9 

The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.

What this passage means to me: 

To me this passage means to follow your dreams and to never give up. We always say that God has a plan for us. We always say that we follow the path that God has set up for us. But really that is not the case. We have a plan for our own lives. God just helps create the steps to get us there. We all have a dream in our lives; a big goal to accomplish. We all have one thing that we really, really want to do. This passage means that if we follow our hearts, follow our dreams, God will be there to guide us and help us through everything. God has a plan for each of us, but that plan is developed through what we really want deep in our hearts. We may have not discovered it yet, but God knows what will truly make us happy. Whether your dream is something big or something small, God will always be there every step of the way. He will be by our sides every day, guiding us until we reach the final stepping stone on the path to our dreams. 

How this passage relates to my life:
 This passage relates to my life because just like everyone else, I have a goal that I want to achieve. I have a dream. My dream is that I want to be a clinical pathologist. I know that this goal, this dream of mine will be hard to accomplish. I know that it will require hard work and time, but it is something that I truly want. I always knew that I wanted to go into a field of medicine or science. I just happened to stumble upon this career path the other day and I know it is something I most likely will want to do. God is guiding me along this path by putting so many amazing people in my life. He is opening up so many opportunities for me to achieve my dream. In my grade school, we had to do science fair. I loved every minute of it. Even writing the 25 page research paper, because it was about something I loved doing. I worked at a local University with different professors to help guide me through the process. With their guidance and support, I ended up winning second at state with my research. Ever since then I knew that I really wanted to do something in a lab when I got older.


Discussion Question: 
(i had each student answer this question)
What is one dream that you have in your life? 

Some of the answers i received: 
  • Start a family
  • Go to a good college 
  • Earn a scholarship to college
  • Become a research scientist 
  • Be successful 
  • Watch my daughters be successful in their own lives (teacher) 
Closing Prayer:

You know my dreams, Lord, and I know it is a lot to ask to realize those dreams, but I ask that you hear my prayer of hope. I would like to think that my hopes and dreams are all part of your plans for me, but I trust that you always know better. I put my dreams in your hands to mold and fit to your will. I surrender my hopes to you. In your holy name, 

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