
Saturday, May 31, 2014

I have been so busy with school that I haven't had time to blog! Let me recap everything that has happened recently. 

1. I started trying to lose weight with my best friend. We both really want to and we decided that the best way to do it was together!

2. I went to lunch with my parents and had an amazing salad at one of my favorite places...McAllisters!! I got the pecanberry salad...I highly suggest it 

3. I started the paleo diet with my family this week! It's not as difficult as I expected it to be and I've already lost about 8 lbs. this week. While it takes quite a while to prepare each meal, they've all been delicious. Not a single meal has left me feeling bloated and I feel comfortably full after eating. In the past I had lost 15 pounds by just keeping track of calories using the app, My Fitness Pal. With the paleo diet, it says not to worry about counting calories, just watch portion control, and eat paleo approved things! So easy! 
This was my first paleo breakfast. It took about two hours but it was so good! It didn't really fill me up much though. It was almost like a little egg pizza! I can't remember everything off the top of my head but it had egg and lettuce in it and I topped it with salsa and chives. 

I didn't take pictures of every meal but just some of my favorites! This one here my dad made...I was surprised it turned out amazing with him cooking! (Shh don't tell him that) 
This was a cumin chicken lettuce wrap. After everything was cut up and seasoned it only took 6 minutes to make. So simple! I would love to eat this every day. I rinced pieces of Boston lettuce, added a slice of avocado (even though I hate it...my dad made me), and added in my chicken, peppers and onion. As Emeril would say, "Let's kick it up a notch!" and we topped it with a little like juice! (Whatching Emeril on tv when I was little used to be one of my favorite things) It was great. It was a little messy, but so worth it. 

4. I started job training for my first real job! Yay!! My two best friends and I decided we wanted real jobs and so we applied together! 

5. I started finals at school yesterday! I thought that day would never come with all those snow days! I took my US history final and got a 91% (woot woot!) 

6. I took my road test at the DMV! I was so nervous about parallel parking! I was also scared I would get a mean guy grading my test...he was a little grumpy, but oh well. The good news is that I passed!! I have my restricted now!! The first place I drove alone was to the bank for my dad. I started driving, smiling and excited, and then of all things...IT STARTED RAINING! The first time I ever drove in the rain was by myself. It was a little stressful but hey I got through it! 

7. Last night I went to my younger cousin's 8th grade graduation! I can't believe she's going to start high school next year! She graduated from the same gradeschool I went to so it was sad to see her leaving. I had a very small gradeschool so everyone was really close. I even got to see some of the people that graduated with me that I hadn't seen in almost a year! We planned to all go see the fault in our stars together next week! 

8. Finally were caught up to today! My mom and I drove up to the tanning bed, for her...she won't let me go. She told me to drive over to McAllisters to get some sweet teas. (Even though not paleo approved, but you can't pass up a Mcallisters sweet tea when it's right down the street) So I switch over to the drivers seat and go on my way. I get there, park pretty perfectly if I do say so myself (I have a major parking issue) I look over and realize that my mom never gave me the keys...great. I couldn't turn the car off to go get the tea! How could I drive without the key you might ask...we have one of those cars that just has the button to start. 
So I have to drive all the way back to the tanning bed and wait for her. I had to waste a lot of gas sitting outside because I couldn't turn it off!! Finally she gets in and gives me the keys. I dropped her off at Kroger and headed over to get the tea. On the bright side I had a free tea card! And I got my other card stamped to number 9! 
It took a long time but I was finally ruined with my sweet tea :) 
I'll leave you with this question...

Have you ever had their sweet tea? 
It's so great 

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