Dinner with my best friend

Friday, June 27, 2014

Ok well I thought I had already posted this earlier in the week but it didn't go through! 
Earlier this week I decided to make dinner with my best friend, Lexie. 
We jumped in the car and headed off to the grocery. 
After we bought all the ingredients we needed, we went back to her house. 

We began to make our very own Baked Penne Pasta! 
We boiled our pasta 
We mixed our pasta with ground beef, marinara sauce and sour cream. We let it simmer for about 15 minutes. 
We then layered the pasta in a dish, alternating with pasta and provolone cheese and mozzarella cheese. 
We baked it in the oven for 30 minutes and topped it off with Parmesan cheese. 

The next day after volunteering at school to help the incoming freshman, I went out to lunch again with Lexie. 

Our first stop, even though it may seem backwards, was to get frozen yogurt with my other best friend, Katelyn. 

After leaving orange leaf, Lexie and I went to chick fil a for a nice little lunch just the two of us. 
It was so much fun to get to drive places on my own finally! I love going to lunch with my best friends 

How has your summer been going? 

Lunch with Daddy

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

So my dad and I had to go measure a light down on my grandpa's houseboat today, so we decided to stop by Cunningham's! 
I did get a little overheated sitting outside, with it being 91 degrees and all. But it was pretty sitting by the water. 
Good thing I had this water to cool me off! 
We both got cod sandwiches and they were delicious....even though I forgot to take a picture of them for you all. 
After lunch we headed over to the marina 
I love seeing all these boats down here 
After a short little walk we finally got to our boat and headed right on in. We went to the top deck to measure the light. 
So I completely forgot to bring a ponytail holder and I was sweating like a pig! I compromised though and found a nice little zip tie! 
Maybe I'll start a new trend (haha (; ) 

Mini Clothing Haul: Mom Edition

Monday, June 16, 2014

New York & Company 

This week my mom and I took a trip to New York & Company to buy her a ton of new clothes! Here's a look at what all she got!! 
They were having amazing deals! These shorts were both buy one get one free! 
Same with the pants! Buy one, get one free! These black and white ones are adorable :) 
I sort of forced her to buy these because I love the little details on them! 
These dark shorts look so good on her along with this cute top! 

We found some great Capri jeans that she can wear with anything! We took advantage of the free pair to get me some! 
I also got this same top in a mint color and a lavender color ;) 
I love the way this top gathers on the sides; she actually wore this outfit today! 

We also found some pink pants that were to die for! 
This top looks black in the picture, but it's actually navy blue. It's a really stretchy material that fits her figure perfectly.  (I tried it on and it's soooo comfortable...shhh) 
I fell in love with this top! The pattern seemed very summery to me :) 
So yes this is the same shirt that I had with those dark shorts above, but hey...it looked so good on her, why not get it in both colors?! 
She also found an amazing denim jacket, it was so soft! It wasn't still like the usual denim jackets I see and seems so easy to wear! 

Have you been to New York & Company recently? Go check out their amazing deals! And don't forget your AAA card! It'll give you an extra 30% off! 

Sunny and 75

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Last week I went to my younger cousin, Morgan's 8th grade graduation as I have previously talked about. We had her graduation party and it was so sweet! 
They obviously weren't paying much attention to me, but this is Morgan and one of her good friends, Sam. 
My aunt and uncle put a picture of Morgan from her first day of kindergarten on the cake! I wonder what the people making this cake thought about it...they probably had a nice laugh. 
My uncle also wrote a poem for Morgan for her graduation. It was so cute! She's growing up :)

I had my last final yesterday!! I'm officially a junior now!!! I studied so much I think my brain is worn out. 
I studied for 5 straight hours for chemistry!! 5 hours!! Buuuut I got through it with the help of my man, Phillip Phillips 
I think we all can tell what the real accomplishment was here....I listened to 5 straight hours of Phillip Phillips :) 
I had to get all of my books together for book buybacks at school yesterday. It was stressful...trying to fit all the freshman, sophomores and juniors in the cafeteria, not the best idea. 
Two nights ago was the last night with my tablet...as much as I hate having to use it for school, I'm gonna miss the little guy. I loved having my own laptop! 

Yesterday was probably one of the best school days I've ever had. Since I have my restricted now, my parents actually let me drive to school! I woke up at 5:30 am (I'm actually surprised I got up!) I got ready and ate breakfast 
I drove over to my best friend, Lexie's house to pick her up. 6:30 am, right on the nose. We drove over to Starbucks, being the tipical teenage girls we are :) I got the blended strawberry lemonade....by far one of my favorites. Then headed off to school and got there about 30 minutes before the first bell, huge success in my book. 
After taking my last exams, chemistry and geometry, I met up with Lexie in the cafeteria and we walked to the car together. 
We drove over to panera, hoping to beat the lunch rush. Baaaaaad idea to go to panera at noon....literally no where to park. So surprise, surprise we went to Mcallisters :) after lunch we walked across the parking lot to hobby lobby 
We decided to get a little crafty on our first day of summer by making pocket tshirts! 
I picked out this pretty, pink chevron pocket 
Lexie went with a classic, gray chevron pocket. 

We also bought some tie dye to use tomorrow night! 
We got back in the car and drove over to target, one of the best places on earth, to buy some white vnecks to tie dye. She also had me try my first naked juice! 
The strawberry banana was so good! Definitely getting it again. 
We went on a walk....got rained on. It was actually fun :) 
After the rain cleared up we drove over to my boyfriends house, he needed some help with correcting some math homework. With me being that odd kid who loves to do math, I was excited to help. 
Later last night we grabbed some vanilla ice cream and surprised our friend, Matthew with it. He has just gotten his wisdom teeth out three days ago and was a little swollen still. 


Today we woke up at 11, it was such a great feeling to sleep in. Lexie made eggs for me and my other best friend, Katelyn. 
After just hanging out for a while and watching some What not to Wear, Katelyn and I jumped in the car to go get sweet tea. Where might we go? Hmmm how about the place I talk about in almost every blog post. MCALLISTERS! This time, we decided to go big or go home. 
Two gallons of sweet tea, three girls....challenge accepted. 
Katelyn snuck a cool looking panorama when I got in the car. 

Well today marks the day where I got gas all by myself! Look at me gettin all old and such. I still can't believe that $10 only got me 3 gallons. Stupid gas prices. 

Katelyn and I got kinda hungry so we picked up lunch for everyone.  
While it may not be the healthiest choice, it was fun! (I know this is so not paleo approved, but hey...first day of summer. I took a little break) 

While drinking my sweet teas and enjoying the nice weather on the back porch, Katelyn gave me a tattoo!! Well...a sharpie tattoo. 
I had seen on Pinterest before that you could make temporary tattoos by drawing it in sharpie, rubbing on some baby powder then spraying it with some hair spray. It actually worked!! 
Katelyn drew birds on my right foot 
And wrote love on the inside of my left foot....this one started to rub off because of my sandles, but I'll touch it up later. 

I've been so busy!! Hopefully I'll get to blog more over the summer! 

How has your summer been?