Lunch with Daddy

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

So my dad and I had to go measure a light down on my grandpa's houseboat today, so we decided to stop by Cunningham's! 
I did get a little overheated sitting outside, with it being 91 degrees and all. But it was pretty sitting by the water. 
Good thing I had this water to cool me off! 
We both got cod sandwiches and they were delicious....even though I forgot to take a picture of them for you all. 
After lunch we headed over to the marina 
I love seeing all these boats down here 
After a short little walk we finally got to our boat and headed right on in. We went to the top deck to measure the light. 
So I completely forgot to bring a ponytail holder and I was sweating like a pig! I compromised though and found a nice little zip tie! 
Maybe I'll start a new trend (haha (; ) 

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